I'm Amit Kumar Jain,
Company Secretary
"Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes"
Peter Drucker

CS Amit Kumar Jain
Amit Kumar Jain is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). He had done Graduation in Law and Commerce and was an Elected Member of Western India Regional Council of ICSI. He was the Chairman of Western India Regional Council (WIRC) of ICSI in the year 2018 and leading the Western Region of ICSI covering 5 States including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and 2 Union Territories including Dadar & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu. He is First ever Chairman of WIRC from the Small city of Bhopal. He was the Member of Auditing Standard Board (ASB) of ICSI for the year 2017 & 2018, the Board which is Instrumental in formulating the Standards for the Different Audits. He is having the vast experience of around two decades in the Corporate legal, Taxation & Finance Services. He started his career in the year 2003. After qualifying as a Member of ICSI he started his own practice in Bhopal. He is a Founder and Director at M/s Mentor Corporate Services Private Limited, leading Tax, Corporate Legal & Financial Services Company and M/s Amit Kumar Jain & Associates, Company Secretaries of Bhopal. He is the regular speaker at the Conferences, Seminars, workshops and other professional programmes. He is also the visiting faculty for many Management Institutes.
Our prestigious clients

Journey So For......
He served as the member of prestigious Auditing Standard Board (ASB) of ICSI for the year 2016 & 2017 and presently serving as the member of Task Force for Banking & Finance of ICSI and served as the Chief Secretary, JITO Bhopal Chapter. He is having the vast experience of more than 15 years in the Corporate Legal, Taxation & Finance Services. He started his career in the year 2003 in Bhopal. He have the rich experience of various Audits like, Bank Audit, Stock & Book Debt Audit, Internal Audit etc. and in Taxation viz, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Service Tax, GST. He is the Founder and Director at M/s Mentor Corporate Services Private Limited, leading Corporate Legal, Taxation finance services Company of Bhopal and having specialization in Project Finance, Working Capital Finance, Industrial Finance, Financial Advisory etc. He is the regular speaker at the Conferences, Seminars, workshops, TV Shows and other professional programs. He is also the visiting faculty for many Management Institutes.