Day to Day Financial Management of Business

Day to Day Financial Management of Business

 Day to Day Financial Management of Business

Since Childhood we are listening that Financial Management is most important in managing domestic or business life. Finance Management is not only understanding the Profit & Loss of the business or reading the Balance Sheet of the business, it is far beyond that.

If we talk about the Debt Financing (Loans) or Equity financing, we need to understand it well, before raising funds from any of the form. 

Both Debt and Equity Financing have its pros and cons. Raising funds through Equity financing forced you to share the control on the business with No fixed interest cost, on the other hand Debt Financing is having fixed interest cost but liberty in doing business and implement your dreams and concept.

There are many financial products available in the market both in Fund based and Non-Fund based. Businessmen have to take its wise decision while choosing the right product for its business needs. Sometimes Businessmen feels proud that lots of Bankers comes to my office/ shop to give me loan, but actually they are selling there own products as they are actually the marketing personnel of the Banks/NBFCs and they are selling their product irrespective of your need and requirement. When you need working capital finance, they may convince and give you term loan, which is not your actual need or vice versa. So Businessmen should take advise from Expert Finance Consultant advise before taking any loan, otherwise business will get trapped in wrong financial product.

So taking any finance without the advise of Finance Consultant / Expert is like taking the medicines from Chemist for the chronic disease.

Be Vigilant….. Be Aware……


CS Amit Kumar Jain

Finance Consultant

Mentor Corporate Services Pvt Ltd


Cell: 09425373231

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