Rotation of Money in the Economy

Rotation of Money in the Economy

Nature teaches us the lesson of giving, like Trees give us Fruits, Plants gives us flowers, Nature gives us rain, water, air to breath, flowing river, mountains, beaches, forest and so on, the lesson of rotation, like water help trees to grow, trees gives us fresh air and oxygen, trees give us food, human grows with food and water and so on.

Even Nature doesn’t like hoarding of anything, everything should move on, transform, and change its form to be more useful and fruitful for others. We should also learn to give good wishes, good thoughts, blessings, love, respect, joy, and positive thoughts to others to receive the same back. Whatever we give, we receive it back, if we want material things like money, wealth, name and fame, we also need to learn to give it to others.

In the present situation of COVID-19, to move the economy and to get it better, we should learn the rotation of money, things, and material. If the rotation stop, it will affect the economy. To strengthen the economy, everyone should give efforts for the rotation of money and material instead of hoarding it, more the rotation lessor the time to recover the economy. The government should also make all efforts for the movement of the economy, by approaching and encouraging the manufacturers and Industrialist to make the arrangement of stay of a labourer at Factory itself, so that the working of Factory is not get affected, and the economy gets to move on.

So start giving What we want to receive.


CS Amit Kumar Jain

Finance Consultant

Mentor Corporate Services Pvt Ltd

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